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Personal development?!

It allows you to improve all aspects of your life and reach your full potential. And guess what ? This program offers you a complete immersion in this field. We will focus on knowing yourself, emotional intelligence, time management, communication, stress management and goal setting. 

We will first explore your personal goals and identify the areas where you need to develop before the start of your stay. We want to know you and be able to adapt the program according to each of the participants.

We have built a cool and varied program for you!  You will have moments of reflection, but also super active moments. Solo moments to find yourself with yourself, duo moments to share and exchange, and even group moments to have fun together. And the best part of all of this is that we don't want to bother you with a crazy concentration, we're not at school here, we're on vacation!


Imagine, you will move inside yourself without taking your head. We want you to feel free, relaxed and ready to have fun. It's not a boring and monotonous experience, it's an adventure that will thrill you from the inside!

And surfing in all this?

Well, surfing just adds a touch of excitement and fun to your personal development journey!

Imagine sliding on the waves, feeling the power of the ocean and escaping into a world of incredible sensations. Surfing offers you a unique connection with nature, an opportunity to surpass yourself and experience moments of pure happiness.


So get ready for a dynamic, fun and full of surprises experience. We will get you out of your comfort zone and help you surpass yourself. It's going to be so cool that you won't see the time passing!

Un programme qui va te détendre

On a construit un programme cool et varié pour toi !  Tu auras des moments de réflexion, mais aussi des moments super actifs. Des moments en solo pour te retrouver avec toi-même, des moments en duo pour partager et échanger, et même des moments en groupe pour s'éclater tous ensemble. Et le meilleur dans tout ça, c'est qu'on veut pas te prendre la tête avec une concentration de ouf, on est pas à l'école ici, on est en vacances !


Imagine, tu vas bouger à l'intérieur de toi-même sans te prendre la tête. On veut que tu te sentes libre, détendu et prêt à t'éclater. Ce n’est pas une expérience ennuyeuse et monotone, c'est une aventure qui va te faire vibrer de l'intérieur !

Et le surf dans tout ça ?

Eh bien, le surf vient ajouter une touche d'excitation et de plaisir à ton voyage de développement personnel !

Imagine-toi glisser sur les vagues, ressentir la puissance de l'océan et t'évader dans un monde de sensations incroyables. Le surf t'offre une connexion unique avec la nature, une opportunité de te dépasser et de vivre des moments de pur bonheur.


Alors prépare-toi à une expérience dynamique, fun et remplie de surprises. On va te faire sortir de ta zone de confort et t'aider à te surpasser. Ça va être tellement cool que tu ne vas pas voir le temps passer !


laughe® in a few words

du sur-mesure

a personality inventory and an individual debriefing

Duration 1h30-2h

Indicative cost around 500€

Durée 1h30-2h

Coût indicatif environ 500€ auprès d'un coach

a program that adapts to the participants following the individual interviews

Notre programme est flexible dans les thèmes qu'il aborde, on s'adapte à tes besoins!

INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE personal development workshops

Duration approximately 15 hours

indicative cost around 1000€

Durée 15h environ

coût indicatif environ 1000€ auprès d'un coach

a professional coach

rules and barriers to feel safe

Notre méthode garantie de pouvoir se sentir à l'aise avec le groupe durant le séjour

during the stay


Our program takes into account these 6 areas and will be adjusted according to the participants:

Introduction - Inclusion 

  • Presentation, Implementation of the framework and rules of the stay

  • Exploration of each participant's personal goals

  • Identification of priority development areas



  • Reflect on personal strengths, weaknesses and values

  • Identification of limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns

  • Self-reflection and self-observation techniques


Emotional intelligence

  • Introduction to emotional intelligence skills

  • Exploration of self-awareness, emotional management and empathy

  • Practical exercises to develop emotional intelligence


Time and priority management

  • Assessment of current time management and priorities

  • Techniques for planning, delegating and eliminating distractions

  • Strategies to improve efficiency and productivity


Communication and interpersonal relations

  • Assertive Communication Techniques

  • Active listening and constructive feedback

  • Conflict management and problem solving


Stress management and well-being

  • Understanding of stress and its effects on mental and physical health

  • Relaxation, breathing and stress management techniques


Before the stay

pcm & interview with will

Before the stay, we offer you a very cool personality inventory, the PROCESS COMMUNICATION MODEL®. This is an impressive method used all over the world, even by NASA! More than 1.5 million people have already participated in this program. 

Once you have finished the inventory, you will have an individual and personalized debriefing session with Will, our certified PCM ® coach. This debriefing is the time to understand your results and see how your personality influences your everyday life, your interactions and your goals. Will will give you advice on how to use your strengths and achieve your goals. (duration 1h30-2h). You'll love it and you'll be ready to tackle the program during your stay!


The Process Communication Model was developed by the American clinical psychologist, Dr. Taibi Kahler. An expert in transactional analysis, he observed that behaviors under stress are universal. He also identified what individuals need to thrive. Additionally, Kahler unearthed six personality types that we all have within and can connect to. His discoveries offer each of us the power to predict behavior under stress in order to put in place prevention strategies to bring about positive change. Kahler's ideas have been the subject of extensive qualitative and quantitative research, demonstrating their validity, credibility, reliability and relevance. 

After the stay

we keep in touch

Of course, we provide after-sales service!

After your stay, we want to stay in touch to follow your progress. We want to know how you are progressing, how you are feeling and how you are putting into practice everything you have learned.

It is important for us to continue to accompany you on your path to personal development. We want you to achieve all your goals and we can celebrate your successes together.

And if you want an even more personalized follow-up, you can simply pursue individual support with Will, our certified coach. He will be there for you, to bring you advice, encouragement and tailor-made strategies. With him by your side, you will go even further!


the coach


I decided to spice up my life and give a lot of meaning to it all by placing people at the heart of my adventures. And how do I do that? By sharing with you during our camps to allow you to boost your daily life.


With my skills in personal development, conflict management and management, I am here to guide you towards a better understanding of yourself. Surfing & Rise embodies the values that are dear to me: Benevolence, Action, Questioning, fun and good vibes in addition!

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